Introducing Morgan Jones

Hi everyone. I'm Morgan Jones, born and raised in the state of Texas. I love long distance running. roller-coaster rides, and skydiving! I am a Senior at Trinity University, majoring in Engineering Sciences, and I plan to work towards a PhD in Aerospace or Aeronautical Engineering post graduation.

What Brings Me to "How to Make"
(Top left) Me working in the Gerhard Neumann Hangar, setting up
 the experiment next to the Wind Tunnel. (Top right) Prototype model of
the electric aircraft and the Open Jet Wind Tunnel. (Bottom) Professor
 Mark Drela holding a hand-launched glider.
In my Junior year, I had the awesome opportunity to learn a bit about aircraft design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), working in the Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment (LAE). Here, I was testing a specific part for an electric-aircraft using a wind tunnel. While working on the project, I unexpectedly met Professor Mark Drela, a world-renowned aerodynamicist and human-powered aircraft expert. Inspired by Professor Drela's passion for designing and building aircraft, I became determined to learn how to design and fabricate flying model planes. I saw the "How to Make Course" as my intro course to learning how to make an aircraft or sub-system.


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