
Showing posts from January, 2020

Sebastian Urbach

Hi, my name is Sebastian Urbach.  I am 13 years old and I took this course last semester and really enjoyed it.  I am a TA in the course and I look forward to seeing what everyone will make this semester.  I wanted to become a TA because I liked the course a lot and I wanted to see what people made and try to be more creative than I am as I'm writing this.  I look forward to seeing everyone in class! :)

Kristin Trobaugh

My name is Kristin Trobaugh, I am a senior Chemistry Major. I am a TA for the Maker class. I was introduced to the makerspace through my research lab with Dr. Davis. I learned how to use Fusion 360 and many of the tools we will use in this class through my research and developing a Quadruple Dual Trap Electrodynamic Balance design. I really became interested in what the Makerspace had to offer and I am excited to help others learn.

Kate Ritson

January 22, 202 Hello, I am the Chair of Art and Art History and an artist. I teach in the area of clay sculpture utilizing handbuilding techniques and slip casting. I am interested in ways these technologies can be brought into my classroom. WHAT I HOPE TO ACHIEVE I have been utilizing tools similar to what is the Maker Space by working through an airline company, Jeff Bonner R&D. I relied on the company for programing and cutting. I hope to learn to program, have hands on experience with the tools, and create some new artwork. Some of the pieces created during this time are on my website.

Introducing Aidan Asal

My name is Aidan Asal from Austin, TX. I am a junior Computer Science Major. A big passion of mine is my major. My family is all in the tech industry, so I was exposed to tech-related things earlier than most. A larger reason I pursued Computer Science was because of the opportunity to create something new. Tech is always changing and I constantly have to learn new things. It is my dream to make something that is beautiful and that impacts the lives of many for the better. I see technology as the best route to that dream. That brings me to this class. I want to create something with software, but I would also like the skills to make beautiful things with my hands. I've felt very creatively challenged for a while and I hope this class gives me a way to create. I had a "technology and the classical world" class last semester. My task was to research an ancient technology over the semester. I chose Roman Racing Chariots and something I would have really like to have do...
Hello, my name is Dr. Sonia Marrero, I'm an adjunct professor and the faculty administrator over Saturday Morning Experience in the Education Department.  My major is in Education/C&I  (Curriculum & Instruction).  My interest includes traveling, reading and spending time with my family and friends.  I'm interested in learning how to integrate Makerspace with the Saturday Morning Experience (SME) program.  I am inspired to make a small jewelry box. 

Introducing Clayton Mabry

I am a classified employee of Trinity. My position is Admin Support Coordinator in The Center for Sciences and Innovation. My team, the Moody Cluster, supports Computer Science, Entrepreneurship, Chemistry and Engineering. The Department of Engineering is my main focus. In supporting the Engineering Department, I have watched the “Shop” morph into the “Makerspace” with great interest. My background from an early age has been a combination of administration and mechanics. My first career was in US Treasury Disbursing Division where we mailed out millions of checks (remember checks???) each month. I was the lead mechanic and foreman for two 42 ft long envelope making machines which were modified to insert the checks while the envelop was being made. I was part of the team that developed the prototype machine. I learned to use a small lathe, surface grinder, hand tools, multimeter, level and a giant lead hammer. My interest in the Maker Class is to become at least conversatio...

Introducing Kate Warford

Hi! I am Katie Warford, a senior year art major and psychology minor. I was born in San Antonio around 22 years ago. I've always enjoyed building contraptions, and I find coming up with solutions to design problems exciting. These reasons, among others, have drawn me to art. I've recently rekindled a love for sculpting. Three-dimensional art forms demand an involved and tactile approach to solving design problems. I feel this creates plenty of opportunities for individual creative invention, and potential innovation. Pictured below is one of my recent sculptures with a detail image. I hope to embrace technologically efficient means of creative expression, and to become well-versed in these new methods of making. Ideally I will add these skills to my artistic repertoire, and I hope to be inspired to make things I did not know could be made.

Introducing Randy Wallace

Hello,  My name is Randy Wallace . I am the Studio Manager in the Dept.  of Art and Art History. In addition to,  Managing the Art Studios, I teach courses in the areas of Design and Sculpture.  My interest in this course is to broaden my tooling skill set; so that, I may better assist students with realizing their concepts. I enjoy working with students and consider it a central part of my practice as an artist. The Maker Space also may potentially aid my efforts as a Studio Manager. Machining capabilities like the ones introduced in this course could be utilized to create tool accessories and studio furnishings like the circle jig I made for our band saw (see video).  My recreational interests include viewing films, listening to music, reading  (graphic novels, interviews, and catalogues), and cooking. My vocational area of focus is expressed through the vernacular of sculpture and performance art drawing from late 19th to ...

Introducing Alec Frigo

Hi everyone, I'm Alec Frigo, a sophomore here at Trinity. I'm from Austin, but I've also lived in Minnesota, Virginia, and England. I'm an economics major here at Trinity with the hope of getting a Master's degree in business from the University of Chicago. I'm a pretty nerdy guy interested in stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, video games, and Magic the Gathering. I also have a love for animals, particularly reptiles and birds. What I plan to get out of this course, is the ability to create practical tools and objects that will help me out in my everyday life and with my hobbies. I don't have any images of stuff I want to make so here's a pic of my pet lizard Alfred.

Introducing Crystal Ramos

Hi! My name is Crystal Ramos, I was born and raised in San Antonio TX. I am still new to Trinity University as I have only been here for a year some months as a CSI Administrative support specialist. My plans for the future? Hmmm well, I've always wanted to do something that involved art since I love the subject. I find art super fascinating and exciting to see. Someday I would love to be an art teacher for young kids. The reason I entered into this class was because I wanted to be able to create art in a different manner than what I'm used to.                                                                                      

Introducing Benjamin McVey

Introducing Benjamin McVey January 21, 2020 Hi, my name is Benjamin McVey and I am the new Gallery Manager (staff) for Trinity University's  Michael and Noémi Neidorff Art Gallery located in the Department of  Art  & Art History in the Dicke Art Building. Along with running the gallery here on campus I am a  working  artist and maker of two- and three-dimensional works (IG: @bhmcvey).  Also,  I have taught art studio classes at UTSA, Southwest School of Art, Northwest Vista, and Austin Community College. My interest in the class is mostly curiosity, but also want to explore new tools and learn how they can be used towards my own ideas in the studio.  

Introducing Zachary Taylor

This is me at the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at JPL,  overlooking the 2020 Mars rover as it is being assembled. Hi there, I'm Zach, a graduating senior computer science major at Trinity. I'll be working for the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory starting in June, so I'm excited to get some exposure to Maker culture before diving head-first into a land populated by engineers. As a software engineer by trade, most of the things I've created aren't physical, tangible things , per se, so I look forward to mixing that up a bit by taking this class. Perhaps the coolest thing I'm working on that I can actually show in images is my thesis, which consists of sub-classifying ancient coins based on the tool that was used to strike them. We use various computer-vision methods to extract identifying features from coin images, then match them to others. I actually used to make things more frequently before I started programming, and it wasn't until I go...

Introducing Morgan Jones

Hi everyone. I'm Morgan Jones, born and raised in the state of Texas. I love long distance running. roller-coaster rides, and skydiving! I am a Senior at Trinity University, majoring in Engineering Sciences, and I plan to work towards a PhD in Aerospace or Aeronautical Engineering post graduation. What Brings Me to "How to Make" (Top left) Me working in the Gerhard Neumann Hangar, setting up  the experiment next to the Wind Tunnel. (Top right) Prototype model of the electric aircraft and the Open Jet Wind Tunnel. (Bottom) Professor  Mark Drela holding a hand-launched glider. In my Junior year, I had the awesome opportunity to learn a bit about aircraft design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), working in the Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment (LAE) . Here, I was testing a specific part for an electric-aircraft using a wind tunnel. While working on the project, I unexpectedly met Professor Mark Drela, a world-renowned aerodynami...

Introducing Jacob Iverson

Hello! My name is Jacob Iverson. I was born right in here San Antonio. Just this past December, I graduated early from high school, and I am utilizing this semester to take classes as a non-degree seeking student before I pursue official enrollment; although, it may not be at Trinity. Despite this, I look forward to working alongside such a diverse, intellectually capable crowd. My long-time interest include art, writing, poetry, photography, and computer tech. In addition, I play the bass guitar in my spare time, love to sing, and withhold a fascination behind the philosophical implications many daily, modern tools (ie: social media) possess. I've attached some artwork, although, it's a bit older, as this computer doesn't have any recent pieces of mine.  My participation here is not nearly as driven as you all – I simply took the class to further consolidate my familiarity with certain tools capable of creation, or to be precise – artistic expression. Within this ...

Introducing Grant Peterson

Hello everyone! My name is Grant Peterson, and I'm a junior-year Computer Science major from Boulder, Colorado. My interests and passions include computers, photography, art, music (which I both listen to and produce myself), video games, puns, and creative writing. I've enjoyed making things ever since I was ignoring the instructions in favor of doing my own thing with both LEGO and Erector kits. I've also been interested in makerspace-type creating for a while now, though I haven't had access to one before, nor the know-how to use any of the equipment. One thing I want to try making with this course is some sort of custom dock for plopping my various electronic devices in while they're charging, and routing the various cables in an efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner. I guess as much as I am fascinated by large homemade projects, I'm more interested in creating small makes that are like little everyday life hacks. Since I don't have any ...

Emil Gillett

Hello all, My name is Emil Gillett, and I am a transfer student from Lone Star College in Houston. Though I only just got here in the fall of last year, I intend to graduate with a degree in chemistry from Trinity next spring. A few things that interest me are undergraduate research and model aviation. If time permits, I may make use of the maker space to construct a working model aircraft. I hope to learn the proper ways to use the tools and equipment I have been introduced to so far.

Introducing Dr. Wilson Terrell Jr. (Dr. T.)

My name is Dr. Wilson Terrell Jr., and I'm an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Science. I have been at Trinity since 2003. I graduated with a B.S., M.S., and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Fighting Illini - home of the best deep dish pizza Papa Dels). I have always love "making" since getting my first Lego set. While in high school, my favorite classes were math, physics, and chemistry. My physics teacher encouraged me to attend a summer engineering program at the University of Illinois, which helped me to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. Here at Trinity, I primarily teach upper division mechanical engineering type courses and labs, and freshmen engineering design. This is my first time teaching the "How to Make" Course. I taught the freshmen design course ENGR 1381 last fall, where we incorporated Fusion 360 and the CSI Makerspace. I have...